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Long Island NY


Adopting a Friend

Adopting a pet is a lifelong commitment. Each one of the homeless shelter pets listed on our website and up for adoption are in desperate need of a loving home - a place where they will be loved and taken care of. In considering adoption of any new pet, there are a number of considerations:

1. First think about the responsibilities of being a pet parent. If you cannot properly care for a pet, then you should not get one.
2. Think about the type of companion that is right for you and your family. Then, determine if that particular animals' needs are a responsibility for which you are ready to undertake. Dogs need to be walked and exercised, but cats need attention too. While cats are more independent, they should not be left alone for extended periods of time.
3. Remember, kittens grow up to be cats in a very short period of time. Every cat was once a kitten! Adoption is on average a 15 year commitment. Please be sure that you are ready for this responsibility before you adopt.
4. Most importantly, pets should be considered an integral part of your family. They need love, adequate nutrition and proper medical care in order to thrive. In return, they will reward you with unconditional love and affection.
5. Lastly, pets are not dispensible. Once you make the decision to commit to adopting a pet, your decision should be final. Animals are not to be returned like a piece of clothing. Pledge to be a part of the solution instead!
6. Once these important considerations are well thought out, you're ready to begin the adoption process.
7. Simply fill out one of our forms (available at our Petsmart location and on our website) and submit it.
8. A Shelter representative will check your application and your references.
9. A Shelter representative will contact you with any questions and to notify you of the outcome of your application.
10. A small adoption fee will apply, payable by cash or check.
11. Arrangements will be made to deliver your new pet to your home, at which time a quick home evaluation will be conducted and you will be given a copy of all of your new pets medical records and necessary follow-up appointments.
12. Congratulations - you have just helped to save one more homeless pet!

   Web Design Courtesy of Matt